39 Problems, This Ain't One

This title makes no sense!  But its catchy and rhymes with a famous hip-hop song, just keeping it G-rated here.

So, what's here?  Random thoughts. Nothing fancy. Just jotted down. Its fun to read. More fun to try.  Its positive. Its gratitude. Its being nice. Its calming down. Its being good. Its being human.

If you have random thoughts like this, let's keep adding to the list.

And before you go, try one thing today! You can thank me later :-)
  1. Smile.
  2. Take 5 deep breaths.
  3. Ask someone, "How is your day today?"
  4. Say "Thank You" to someone who helped you.
  5. Say "Thank You" to the person cleaning the streets, or your office hallway, or anyone who is just doing their job that makes your life a little better.
  6. Say "Good Job" to a someone you know (a coworker, your kid, partner, whoever...).
  7. Say "Good Job" with a follow-up comment, like "Good Job on getting me this document. You are a life saver".  You are assured to make a difference.
  8. Write someone a 'Thank You note'.
  9. Pick up a piece of trash. 
  10. Sit still for 5 minutes without doing anything.
  11. Try to avoid electronic devices for an hour.
  12. Give a hug.  (If at work, ensure it doesn't violate your HR policies).
  13. Make a meal on your own.
  14. Look away at the distance for 2 minutes.
  15. Close your eyes and keep it closed for 2 minutes.
  16. Read one page of a book.
  17. Read an entire book.
  18. Drink water.
  19. Drink more water.
  20. Go for a short walk with no purpose.
  21. Stop worrying about something for an hour that is bothering you.
  22. Donate small amounts to charity.
  23. Donate unused stuff to charity.
  24. Declutter your space.
  25. Clean that one room today.
  26. Go for a walk, or run or workout.  If nothing else, just stand up for 15 mins.
  27. Sleep for 8 hours.
  28. Wake up without an alarm.
  29. Splash cold water on your face.
  30. Don't waste food for a day.
  31. Mentor someone.
  32. Give feedback for something or someone you liked.
  33. Ask for feedback.
  34. Laugh at a joke.
  35. Pass on the joke.
  36. Listen. Just listen to someone for few minutes.
  37. Disconnect from social media for a few hours or a day.
  38. Turn off your TV and leave it off for a few days.
  39. Stretch.


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