How puking, pepto and pizza led to a 100-mile PR... ?!

It happened all of a sudden! I was feeling good at mile-25, the sun had gone down, just passed an aid station with some crackers in my hand, shoved some aid station food (PB&J) into my mouth to get some calories in me, talking to Lynn who I had met around mile-18 and started running together... And then I just turned towards the side of the path and projectile threw up the entire food I had at the aid station...!!! PREMISE: I was contemplating to do a 100-miler in the fall of 2018 to measure where I am with my training and 100-mile running fitness. I haven't run a 100-mile race this year, though I tried other distance races. I was looking at Mogollon Monster 100 (MM100), but I knew it is a tough mountain race and I am not ready for it. I also wanted to do Hallucination 100 which happens to be the week before MM100, as is was also on my birthday this year (September 7th), to get in some birthday miles. My friends Scott and Adam have signed up for Mogollon...