Badwater Salton Sea - "no I in TEAM"

"I feel light headed, and feel like I may pass out any time", said Johnnie when we were reaching mile-25 of 81-miles! The temps were reaching 90s, and the sun was beating down on us. There was a mild breeze and occasional cloud cover, but none of it mattered in that elevation and heat. Ornery Mule Racing team Badwater Salton Sea is an unique race spanning 81-miles distance, 9000 ft elevation, temperatures varying from 98F to 38F, from hot sun to cold rain and many more variables... The race is mostly on roads except an 8-mile section (at around mile-40.6), which was super duper hard to climb with rocks, cactus, rattle snakes, etc. Another unique feature is, there are 2 or 3 person teams that has to run together, "not a relay". So, you are only as fast as the slowest team member, which is OK as long as you support each other to the end. There are a couple of tight cutoffs after miles 35.2 and 40.6, which the participating teams should reach within 9 and 1...